What is PYGMALION effect ??? and S.M.A.R.T. goals ???
Don't get puzzled !!!! Bear with me as my motive is not to bog you down. Rather, I will try to make everything easy for you :)
This blog will help readers to connect the dots and unfold the hidden meanings attached with these words. But before moving further one thing should be kept in mind that "Goal Setting" , which looks easy from outside , requires a deep thought from all of us.
In today's class , our professor told us the same thing that GOAL SETTING is very important before anyone starts achieving it. According to him , S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific , Measurable , Attainable , Relevant and Time-Bound. Yes, the acronym is open to different interpretations but the synergy among these specific words allows a person to realize his/her goals more effectively.
One of my classmates said that 'S' could stand for STRATEGIC also , which led the discussion to the meaning of strategy. Prof. Prasad told us that strategy is not natural rather it is man- made to accomplish one's short term goals. However, I do not want to divert from the topic of discussion as the crux of the matter is Goal Setting.
First of all , Let's take a simple question . How should one set one's goals ? Any idea............
Prof. Mandi told us that one should set one's goals such that they don't pull one down. To put in nutshell , he told us that goals should act progressively on a person and not regressively.
Thereafter the discussion ensued and lots of other factors came into picture. Apart from Goal setting , there are some other factors which needs to be pondered. These are : Goal achieved , Goal History and last but not the least Potential.
Let us take them one by one and analyse how they are related :
firstly, Goal set should be greater than or equal to Goal achieved otherwise it can be inferred that one is underestimating one's potential. Potential is a very heavy word . One must use his performance to utilize his true potential and every one knows that the potential is unlimited. So this cycle never ends as the more you dream big , the more you evolve . Besides it , this statement says it all that one should always set the goal higher than one's previously achieved targets because everyone's potential would definitely be more than his previously achieved ones. To cut it short , It can be said that
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Spiral growth |
Understanding the above equation , one can say that if one's goal set is higher , then one would strive to achieve one's goal ; achieving one's goal leads to higher performance thereby increasing the goal set to a notch higher in the subsequent endeavors because of the increased confidence. So the pattern emerged out to be a spiral like a Fibonacci series : 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21........and so on. Isn't it ?? We should incorporate this into our life and see the improvements.
So till now, we have seen that higher goal setting comes from an impulsive desire i.e. if one has self confidence and he/she doesn't underestimate himself/herself , then s/he would definitely set his/her target high. However, Our Goal setting is not only influence by internal factors but also by an external factor. This factor is so well attached to our day to day life that many would seem surprised at this : Expectation. Yes, this small thing can bring out a lot of hidden potential from others if used in a positive way.
To study the influence of this factor , I want to bring second part of my topic under consideration : Pygmalion Effect. Many of you would have already anticipated about what is coming ahead. So let's go in a structured manner.
Pygmalion Effect, also called self fulfilling prophecy, refers to the tendency in which more the expectations placed upon people, be they children, students or employees, the better they perform.We can see this effect in various relationships like Mother - children , Teacher - Students , Manger - Subordinates , Leader - follower , captain - players performer - audience and the list goes on...........
I want to take manager - subordinate relationship to make you understand this phenomenon as I assume that my readers are mature enough and empathize easily with this relation. Managers use this concept more often as a motivation tool to direct the efforts of their subordinates so that they don't underestimate themselves and always put in their best efforts . The application of this concept in most cases leads to enhanced performance by employees. The reason is obvious as the employee responds to the faith that the superior has reposed in her supposed ability. This response is most often positive as the desired goal is conditioned by the organisation and social expectations. The subject or employees' own desire is often subordinate to the overarching expectations from the superior. But hang on !!! There is something related to this effect in earlier post also and if you are a careful reader then you can read between the lines. I think Theory Y managers also employ the same philosophy with their employees . Am I right or wrong ???
Many readers here start acquiescing to this fact that in Management everything is co -related and if you miss a link , you miss the whole chain. So my advice to the readers is that start seeing every thing from all perspectives as all management concepts are interrelated.
Adding to what I said earlier , Pygmalion Effect has a great impact as the employee feels s/he is always under observation and there is a burden of expectations from the superior or organisation on his/her shoulders.
Many readers here start acquiescing to this fact that in Management everything is co -related and if you miss a link , you miss the whole chain. So my advice to the readers is that start seeing every thing from all perspectives as all management concepts are interrelated.
Adding to what I said earlier , Pygmalion Effect has a great impact as the employee feels s/he is always under observation and there is a burden of expectations from the superior or organisation on his/her shoulders.
However, Pygmalion effect works both ways i.e. positive as well as negative. Up until now , we have seen only the rosy side of Pygmalion effect but this effect comes with a caution. Negative expectation results in negative outcome. So , the bottomline is : this effect can make or break somebody to the core.
Now time to stop as I think enough learning for today. Next blog will be coming soon. Keep reading...... :D