Sunday, 18 August 2013

CUBE -- FULL OF COLORS....................

Today I am going to tell you about a cube full of colors.Many of you have seen the RUBRIK cube but this cube is different .It was a NAVARANG cube very different in logic. It had 9-colored blocks which could be dismantled and logic was to arrange the cubes such that all 9 colors are present on each face of cube.

Now the task in front of us was to dismantle the cube into 27 small cubes and assemble them, such that, all 9 colors appear on each face of a cube. Some volunteers tried to do the task in stipulated time but as they started working on it randomly, they couldn't make it. Some of them even claimed that it is impossible to make such a cube.
Now Prof. Mandi showed us the technique to solve the problem which appeared very difficult.
Method to solve: 
1) Group similar colored blocks, each group having 3 blocks of same color.
Group 1,2,3,...9 = Same colored blocks

Fig Group 1
2) Take cubes of 3 colors, that is, Group 1,2 & 3 and assembled them as a rod by using law of permutation,
Rod 1= 1, 2, 3 

Rod 2= 2, 3, 1
Rod 3= 3, 1, 2

3) Now by clubbing these 3 rods, one layer of a cube is formed.
Fig Layer 1

Similarly other 2 layers with remaining colors are formed by using above method. Then these 
layers are combined together to form Navrang Cube.

So you see how simple a NAVRANG cube making is.But to leave this exercise here will defeat the purpose itself. Let's gather our thoughts.This cube can be compared to an organisation with mutifarious departments working in  coordination.Every face has nine different colors which represent nine facets of any organization.The cohesive force acting between every pair of cubes can be analogized as a bonding between different departments because everyone works in tandem.
This a perfect example how an organisation can work with each layer represents its own significance.Now time has come to put an end to my blog. 

Keep reading my blogs ....................:)

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